Correlation of Geography Subject

 Correlation of Geography Subject

Correlation of Geography Subject

Co-relation - within the subject and with other school subject

              This is an age of co-relationship and no subject can be taught in isolation.  It is only for convenience of study that we have spitted the knowledge in the different subject but no subject is completely a Loof from other and it has to be co-related with other subjects.

              Modern educationist has no doubt in their mind about the fact that the teaching of a particular subject should be carried out in co-relation with other subjects.  The co-relation is more between those subjects that have a common bearing.  There are various types of co-relationships and every type of co-relationship has its importance in the education in different ways:

The two important types of co-relation are: -

I) Co-relation with daily life.

II) Co-relation of geography with other subjects.

I) Co-relation of Geography daily life - For fostering a love for study of geography in his students the geography teacher should bring home to his students the useful and interesting applications of knowledge of geography in daily life.  It is likely to make his lesson more interesting, stimulating and realistic.  Teacher is free to include such phenomenon which are matters of everyday life even if these are not prescribed in the syllabus.  Teacher should make a conscious effort to arouse the interest of his students in such applications of geography in everyday life.  A good geography teacher can find many applications of geography in daily life and it would be much better if he quotes examples with rural background in rural schools and example having urban background while teaching in urban schools.  For co-relating geography with everyday life an effort is made to make use of available community resources.  For example, a teacher can plan a visit in some ‘Dam’ while teaching about mountains.  Geography is a science as well as an art and aims at preparing ideal and successful citizens.  No aspect of human life remains untouched by geography and every human activity has some geographical importance.

II) Correlation of geography subject with other subjects

1. Geography and History - Geography is intimately co-related to history and in the 50’s the two subjects were taught together.  In fact, they are twins, one stresses time and the other space.  History studies people of different times and geography deals with the people of different places.

The two subjects are now studied separately for convenience of study but we cannot completely separate the two subjects.  Geography is the stage on which drama of history is enacted and it is the geography which determines the historical events and can offer explanation for historical actions of mankind similarly historical facts can serve as a good basis for arousing interest in geographical studies.  In explanation of historical facts the geographical factors that are taken in to consideration are physical conditions of the life of man, climate produce, means of communication etc. All these factors determine the direction of human life and history is created by human life and activities.  History of each and every country is governed by these factors. Truly speaking historical studies devoid of geographical background would be inaccurate and unscientific.

              In past ages if some countries had succeeded in invading some other countries, it had been possible because of geographical factors. The Himalayas was considered inviolable again because of geographical factors.  Germany had to face defeat in Russia because of severe winter in that part of the world.

              Thus, for a proper understanding of historical events, geographical factors have to be taken into consideration.  Many a historical map has been drawn on the basis of geographical factors.  Geographical factors were the sole cause of the downfall of many empires.  The growth of England in to a first-rate sea power can be explained if we consider the geographical factors and geographical location of England.

2. Geography and Political Science - In the study of Political science the most important thing is the study of administration of a particular unit and the problems associated with it.  There are wide differences in administration in different lands.  These differences may be attributed to difference in geographical conditions.  In some countries we find that democracy has survived very long years which has been possible only because of geographical conditions/ factors ( in Switzerland)

              Not only the political system but even the traditions, culture etc. are also guided by geographical factors of a land.  In the present-day world when we are moving towards world citizenship and world government, we have to remember the part played by geography.  One of the basic aims of geography as pointed out earlier, is the establishment of world citizenship.  To achieve this objective, we have to give prominence to various common geographical factors.

              In many an instance a proper knowledge of geographical factors can be of much use in solving some political problems.  Thus, we find there is much of correlation between geography & political Science.

3. Geography and Economics - Geography is very intimately related to Economics.  This interrelationship has led to the branches such as Economic geography.  Agriculture.  Industry and other economic activity/Activities depend to a large extent on the various geographical factors prevailing in a region e.g., the industrial unit is generally established in an area where the raw material is available in abundance.  The wealth of a country to a large extent depends upon various geographical factors because the wealth generating activities industry and agriculture depend on various geographical factors.  Thus, to achieve good economic result we must have a good geographical background.  Actually, speaking in Economic geography, we study various principles which help us in the study of economic aspects of various geographical factors.  It is not only the availability of raw material and the production but the means of transport and communication etc. have also to be taken in to consideration while studying the economics of project.  Thus, we find that geography and economics are highly co-related.

4. Geography and Language - Literature is much influenced by the geographical factors prevailing in a region.  To learn a language, we must acquaint ourselves with the geography of the area.  The description of nature and other geographical conditions of area can be easily found to the existing literature of the area.  The description of various characters in novels, dramas, stories, etc. is influenced by the prevailing geographical conditions.  Even the dress, the dressing style etc. of a region are also governed by various geographical factors.  All such descriptions are available in literature which provides us much information about the geographical factors of a region.  Thus, we find that for the proper study of geography a proper knowledge of language is sufficient for study of geography in primary schools but at higher stages of learning of geography a good knowledge of language is desirable.  Thus, we find that there is a lot of correction between geography and language and literature.

5. Geography and Art - Art includes (i) Useful Art and (ii) Fine Art.  In useful art we make something that is useful and in fine art we make a thing having a quality.  Fine art develops the aesthetic sense.  To correlate useful art with geography the students in a manual class may be asked to prepare almirahs, map holders, map stands etc.

              A good hand of art can draw fine maps, charts and models.  In such charts and maps the heights of mountains, formation of lands etc. can be depict these things aesthetically.  In this way art can be used to generate students’ interest for geography.  Geography provides a good material for the students of art and fine art.  Thus, there exists a lot of correlation between geography and art.

6. Geography and Handwork: - In the present-day curriculum hand work occupies an important place.  The hand work has been included in geography mainly is to train the eye to accuracy and rapidity in observation.  It also helps in the development of latent powers of mind and inculcates habits of neatness etc.  At times geography provides subject matter for hand work and sometimes handwork provides subject matter for geography.  The school garden provides various opportunities for the study of geography.

7. Geography and Mathematics: - Mathematics is considered the mother of all subjects.  Thus, mathematics is highly correlated to various other subjects and so there is a lot of correlation between mathematics and geography for giving a practice in various mathematical formulas about measurement of height, depth, area, etc. the mathematics teacher can choose data from geography.  The quantitative aspects in mathematics can be explained by taking the data from population production, crops etc.  Similar use of geographical problems can be made in Algebra and geometry classes.  To understand geographical charts, geographical surveys, maps and cartographical works in geography the knowledge of mathematics is essential.  In comparative method of teaching geography mathematics is quite useful and helpful.  Writing about correlation between mathematics and geography an eminent writer observes “Geography and mathematics have much in common.  Mathematics deals with number and measurements.  But numbers and measurements are based on environment.  Through geography we try to understand environment.  Therefore, we can understand it better with the help of mathematics.

8. Geography and Natural Science: - Geography is so highly correlated to natural science that is considered as one of the subjects that may be included in sciences.  We find that a large number of geographical facts are included in the subject matter of natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, agriculture, botany, zoology etc.  The cause-and-effect relationship that is emphasized in the study of geography is a gift of science to geography.  For a correct understanding of various geographical facts, we have to make use of many a scientific rules and formulas.  Thus, we find a close correlation between science and geography.

9. Geography and Geology - Geology is the study of the surface of earth and so geology is highly correlated to geography.  The knowledge of geology can be quite helpful in the study of earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.  Thus, these two are considered as twin subject.

10. Geography and Agriculture - These two are deeply correlated because the agricultural products are influenced by the geographical factors.  A geography teacher can make a good contribution in the study of agriculture and so there exists a correlation between geography and agriculture.

11. Geography and Religion - In recent times there is an increasing trend for including the study of religion in geography.  A close relationship exists between geography and religion because geography emphasizes the influence of environments on the religion of a country.  We find that a large number of beliefs in a religion are closely associated to the geographical factors.

12. Geography and Social Studies - In primary classes geography forms part of nature study.  It can also form a part of social studies.  We have already considered a close correlation between geography and history which is an important subject forming a part of the social studies.  The social studies include history civics and politics.

              Thus, we find that geography is highly correlated to a number of other school subjects and sometimes such a correlation may lead to overlapping and it involves the danger of repetition and waste of time.  This repetition and wastage of time should be avoided and for this purpose it would be better if the teachers teaching various subjects remain in touch with each other’s.

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