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              An excursion arranged for the study of a part of the country on the spot is the most useful method of teaching Geography.  Excursions present the objet in its natural colours.  It is the best way to study Geographical fact as they exist.  These excursions serve a very useful purpose in the formation of character of pupil so that he may not be misfit in society.  A wise teacher can arrange a good number of opportunities of paying visits, at least, to local places if not too distant areas.  When pupils are taken out, they may be encouraged to observe carefully the physical phenomena and the social, economic and industrial conditions.  The easiest and the most important thing to observe is the natural objects like landscape, land formations and different types of soils.  A journey to a hilly area, to a river or to the sea-side may explain term such as erosion, deposition, shells, grade and V-shaped valleys, etc. Similarly, a visit to a zoo may explain the habitation of plants and animals and the natural conditions required for them.

§  Types of Excursions

Excursions for the students of Geography are of three types, namely.

o        Local Trips of the duration of one or two lesson periods.

o        Community or neighborhood trips of half or full day’s duration.

o        Tours to different places or parts of the country of several days’ duration.

1.      Provide direct learning experiences: - In Travels and Excursions, the student get opportunity of seeing and observing things y themselves.  So, they get direct learning an experience which cannot be gained in the class-room.  Practical knowledge of Geography is gained by feet rather than by head.  It is gained in the field, forest, hills and factories or in the fields, outside the class-room.

2.      Satisfies natural urges: - Psychology tells us that young – children have certain natural urges, interests, drives and tendencies.  One of these urges is curiosity which is the mother of all knowledge.  Excursions provide opportunities for the students to satisfy their natural urges, interest, instincts and tendencies in real and natural setting.  Excursions also satisfy the students’ urges of gregariousness assertion, construction and adventure.

3.      Gives practical Social training: - While on excursion, the students get practical training in co-operation and working together.  They develop some fine traits spirit, group feeling, tolerance and obedience to teachers and leaders.

4.      Broadens outlook: - In tour students go to different parts of the country with different climatic conditions and meet people who speak different languages, wear different type’s clothes and different kind of food.  They find an amazing diversity of life in different part of their vast country.  All this experience broadens their outlook and they become more tolerant and larger hearted than before.

5.      Creates interest in Geography :-  Excursions further learning in Geography and create genuine interest in the subject.  The monotony of class-room teaching is removed.  Once the students come out of the class-room, they find a change and this change is very helpful in furthering the interest of students in the subject method of Geography.

§  Demerit of Excursion Method :-

Following demerits are found in this method.

1.      It is a very expensive method:- For fulfilling the purpose of the excursion required a lot of money, which is why this method is very expensive.

2.  Curriculum cannot be completed by this method: Teachers have limited time to complete the syllabus and with this method, syllabus will not be completed.

3.      It destroys a lot of time.

4. Parents do not give permission easily to take their wards for the excursion: Because of various reasons parents do not give permission easily to the students for excursions.

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