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In Discussion Method, one unit is given for discussion to students.  Students discuss and present their views, opinions or sometimes they can present their own opinions.  Here the role of a teacher is of a guide.  This method gives challenge to the talent of students as well as it gives freedom to students. In the discussion method, as it true with any group learning effort, the instructor typically relies on the students to provide ideas, experiences, opinions and information. An instructor may use this during classroom periods, and pre-flight and post flight briefings, after the students have gained some knowledge and experience. Fundamentally; the discussion method is almost the opposite of the lecture method. The instructor’s goal is to draw out what the students know, rather than to spend the class period telling them. The instructor should remember that the more intense the discussion and the greater the participation, the more effective the learning. All members of the group should follow the discussion. The instructor should treat everyone impartially; encourage questions, exercise patience and tact, and comment on all responses. Sarcasm or ridicule should never be used, since it inhibits the spontaneity of the participants. In a discussion, the instructor act as a facilitated to encourage discussion between students.

§  Procedure

The instructor opens the discussion by asking one of the prepared lead-off questions. After asking a question, the instructor should be patient. The students should be given a chance to react. The instructor should have the answer in mind before asking the question, but the students have to think about the question, but the students have to think about the question before answering. Sometimes an instruction finds it difficult to be patient while students figure out answers. Keep in mind that it takes time to recall data, determine how to answer, or to think of an example.

The more difficult the question, the more time the students will need to produce an answer. Sometimes students do not understand the question. Whenever the instructor sees puzzled expressions, the questions should be rephrased in a slightly different form. The nature of the questions should be determined by the lesson objective and desired learning outcomes.

Once the discussion is underway, the instructor should listen attentively to the ideas, experiences, and examples contributed by the students during the discussion. Remember that during the preparation, the instructor listed some of the anticipated responses that would, if discussed by the students, indicate that they had a firm grasp of the subject. As the discussion proceeds, the instructor may find it necessary to guide the direction, to stimulate the students to explore the subject in greater depth, or to ensure them to discuss the topic in more detail. By using how and why follow-up questions, the instructor should be able to guide the discussion toward the objective of helping students understands the subject.

When it appears, the students have discussed the ideas that support this particular part of the lesson, the instructor should summarize what the students have accomplished. In a guided discussion lesson, the interim summary is one of the most effective tools available to the instructor. To bring ideas together and help in transition, an interim summary can be made immediately after the discussion of each learning outcome. This will summarize the ideas developed by the group and show how they relate to, and support, the idea discussed. The interim summary may be omitted after discussing the last learning outcome when it is more expedient for the instructor to present the first part of the conclusion. An interim summary reinforces learning in relation to a specific learning outcome. In addition to its uses as a summary and transitional device, the interim summary may also be used to keep the group on the subject or to divert the discussion to another member.

§  Merits of Discussion Method

1.      Emphasis on Learning Instead of Teaching: -   Discussion method emphasizes pupil activity in the form of discussion, rather than simply telling and lecturing by the teacher.  Thus, this method is more effective.

2.      Participation by Everybody: - In this method, everybody participates in the discussion, and therefore thinks and expresses himself.  This is a sure way of learning.

3.      Development of Democratic way of Thinking: - Everybody co-operates in the discussion, and the ideas and opinions of everybody are respected.  Thus, there is a development of democratic way of thinking and arriving at decision.

4.      Training in Reflective expression: -  Students, during the course of discussion, get training in reflective thinking, which leads to deeper understanding of the historical problem under discussion.

5.      Training in Self Expression :-  During discussion, everybody is required to express his ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner.  This provides ample opportunities to the students for training in self expression.

6.      Spirit of Tolerance is inculcated :-  The students learn to discuss and differ with other members of the group.  Then learn to tolerate the views of others even if they are unpleasant and contradictory to each other’s view.  Thus, respect for the view points of others is developed.

7.      Learning is made interesting: - History is considered to be a dry subject.  The learning of history is made interesting through Discussion Method.  More effective learning is possible when the students discuss, criticize and share ideas on a particular problem.  Active participation by the students in the discussion makes learning full of interest for the students.  This also ensures better and effective learning.

§  Demerits Of Discussion Method

1.         All types of topic cannot be taught by Discussion Method.

2.      This method cannot be used for teaching small children.

3.      The students may not follow the rules of discussion.

4.      Some students may not take part while others may try to dominate.

5.      The teacher may not be able to guide and provide true leadership in the discussion.

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